Monday, May 31, 2004 11:03 PM
Today's encounter was really hilarious when Yihui and I went for the theory lesson. Couldn't help laughing at the people who attended the lesson today especially one 40+ Philippines woman . The way she raises her hands and answer simply make the whole class giggle and laughing. =X Then I met Marky at coffee bean. So happy to see him. And its really sweet of you to buy me a moisturizer And giving me tips on the Theory test =) your company simply makes my day and mood. Really feels good to see you... Night Dinky winky! ssshhh...
Had quite a tiring day. Went to Shihui's house to chat and play. LoL. PLAY HuHz.. =P and then we went to catch the movie "the day after tomorrow" at cine. We took the DIGITAL screen. 1st time i heard about it and its only available at Cine. Digital means better sound effect systems and clearer images. COol huh? But the tix are still the same price. Then we went to grab a bite and then go for KTV as Hui got the free 4 hours trial at Party World KTV. But still we ended paying up $10 per person but it was rather cheap. Spent alot today.. And i really enjoyed myself with my friends. Thanx pals.. tired day -_-
Saturday, May 29, 2004 7:30 PM
Tears are valuable because they come from the heart. Thats why love is valuable. Tears are present for your loved ones. Its nothing silly about crying because we are just being truthful. Facing the reality is always a difficult thing but that is what makes us strong.
Friday, May 28, 2004 11:02 PM
The feelings i felt today are beyond words. Saddest encounter ever.
Horrible grades i got. It sure is gonna affect my choice of option. Hopefully i don't get into the 3rd option =( Really bad. Even the non-core modules i couldn't even scored a "B". Shit me. Im doom. I deserve it. Just hope i gets into the option i want. God bless me. Shit me =(
Thursday, May 27, 2004 11:16 PM
This world is unfair. Nothing is fair. I hate this feeling. I always got picked up and then fall down again.At this moment, how many people actually cared how i felt? Im like a junk. Very lost now. I wish to fly away to a faraway island. To be alone and all by myself. I hope Adam and Eve didn't ate the fruits on the trees. I wished i was a bird. Free from troubles. I wished i'm a baby. I wished everything could be better. But it only gets worse. I wish you could change because i had changed for you too. And i had made sacrifices which other people can't see or you yourself can't see. Why are you like that? I wished everything is being put behind me. Tomorrow will be getting my grades. Everything starts afresh tml. I'm a new person from tml. And I hope tml will be a better day. I ain't going to dwell on the unhappiness again because its not worth it. Why should i lose happiness when life is so short. Tml will be a better day and i will start to keep myself occupied.
Too often we don't realize what we have until it is gone. Too often we wait too late to say "I'm sorry - I was wrong." Sometimes it seems we hurt the ones we hold dearest to our hearts and we allow foolish things to tear our lives apart. Far too many times we
let unimportant things into our minds and then it's usually too late to see what made us blind. So I must let you know how much you actually meant to me. Nothing much to post today. goodnight everyone..
When I fell in love with you
that very day, I knew it was true.
The love I found in you,
I knew I never wanted to lose.
You mean far more than any words could say
I wish I knew exactly why I feel this way.
My love for you grows stronger every day.
I hate the times when you are away.
When we talk I hate to say, "Goodbye".
I would do anything for you to show
you my love is true.
I feel lucky to have someone like you.
My love for you will never die,
this I know is true,
because my place in life is right beside you.
Wednesday, May 26, 2004 11:01 PM
Actually wanted to fetch Miaoyuan with Ziying and Shihui as shes coming back from FRANCE today but we didn't know the exact flight number and arrival time so we didnt went. End up going to Queensway shopping centre getting some stuffs. The 2 of them wana browse at the MAN UTD jerseys.. lol so i just tagged along. Bought a simple FILA shirt. Saw Bryan when we were on our way to Holland Village for lunch. Hes working at Alexandra hospital for attachment. Was shocked when some 1 suddenly say "hi!" and i noticed its him. Then my bf came my house and we had dinner together and a funny time viewing thru my childhood photos. Got my results today and was happy that i cleared all. but the grades will only be out on 28th. Dont really expect to score well... Ciao guys~ nite.. Time to slp now~ Close your eyes~ SOon the birds will start singing~ Oh HECK. wad was that? That was the SMURFS' good nite song..
Tuesday, May 25, 2004 12:00 AM
Went to trim my hair earlier in the day and watched a movie with Jasmine. Look foward for tml as i can see my darling again for a game of tennis. But nervous at the same time coz i'll know my results... This time my studies are really in quite a deep shit. Im quite worried. Hopefully i can pass all... =(
Monday, May 24, 2004 11:58 PM
I went to watch SHREK2 With Mark just now. It was a simply wonderful show worth watching! Its a very nice cartoon that manages to keep people focused on the story-line. It was quite corny too and of coz SWEET =) Went my house to eat sushis together. I had a wonderfuL and peaceful day. Im gonna cut my hair tomorrow... zzz.. i hate cutting hair.. wasting my time, but no choice, my hair is too long and im feeling HOT!!!! Night everyone! Sweet dreams!!
This girl had been acting pure and guai and lieing to me all these while. And yet i was a fool believing her and taken in by her words. Hearing her complaing and sulking all her problems to me which was just a big fat lie. And she had been secretly reading my blog for God knows how she got the http add. She's trying to act like an angel in disguise when shes actually not that great. Well nvm, just ignore people like her. Still a small kid. And morever shes studying in somewhere not too good to mention. So maybe her peers influences her you see. But heck, i ain't gonna care about her and im gonna change my Http add soon. Hopes she read this post. And ive blked her in MSN. =)
I saw Andrew, Weixiang at Westmall ytd when i was with Yihui. He changed alot. Im happy for him. This guy here is so poor thing and too much for him to bear. He was my ex-neighbour and he met a car accident at 15, sec3. His spine was badly hurt and his memory was lost. Sounds like a TV show but nah, it really happened on him. He told me ytd that he didn't need to go army due to his spine and that its hard to find a job coz he can't go out for long hours. I knew him be4 the accident and the "new" him. A totally different person. He don't rem frens around him so i had to "re-know" him by showing him our childhood photos lasttime. But Glad to see he's doing well now. With a good gf i saw ytd. i admire his attitude for life. A turn over for him. And this certainly make him stronger and a better person he was be4 the accident. Like some ah beng spoilt brat. He was way much happier now than the lasttime i saw him. God bess him!
Sunday, May 23, 2004 3:27 PM
Went to did the bookings and everything again.
Was at westmall juz now and we saw this idoL thingy. There were a number of contestants singing and performing. It was a solo performance. They aged around 18-25 and most of the guys and gals got the looks. These people hope to be the "idol". Well its not easy. I see theres a long route for them...
Saturday, May 22, 2004 11:55 PM
Whats wrong with human's mind and mood? They just change so fast like a rocket? I can't even catch up with their mood. Too complicated for me to take. The worse thing is i don't even know what wrong I had done. Sickening feeling.
Today was an occupied day. Went to settle the whole driving enrolment thingy which was rather troublesome. Will have to go down again yet tomorrow to deposit some $ into the account which they gave me. Had been spending way too much $ recently. Especially this driving thingy which is costing me a bomb. Already paid $300++. My heart aches =/ And the person told us that if we failed the main whole practical test we would have to pay a total of $300 again for the whole retest. Thats not a small sum man. So its better to clear the 1st try. Gotto really start saving up for JuLy. Will be having lots of practical lessons during JuLy and 3 important persons in my life are JULY's BABIES. My dad, my love, and my buddy =) And its woh! In a row! on the 9th, 10th and 11th. Save up Jieqi!!!
We look like total noobs today at the driving centre. We don't know about anything and we kept bothering the staffs there. I think they even regconised our faces. Well lucky there was this "kind uncle" who was willing to help us throughout EVERYTHING. Thanks to him. If not Yihui and i would probably be still struggling over the whole darn computer system booking stuffs. I then went home to change my clothes and went to Orchard with Jasmine. We had sushis again and did some shopping. Saw many familiar faces there today. Orchard was damn crowded and i hate it. Oh yah and i saw Mark at Cineleisure. He was catching a movie. i actually wanted to give him a shock from behind by whacking his butt but JASMINE TAN SPOILT MY PLAN. Oops!? ok... We were hiding behind this poster thingy but Jasmine's head popped out and he saw us! NO FUN at All. LoL. Just say Hi and Bye. LoL. Then we went to StarBucks and then i took 75 home. Wee, im quite tired today. Slp tight people. Qi Qi says Good night everyone... *_*
Friday, May 21, 2004 10:40 PM
Today was a nice day. Went to play pool with some frens and then 1 of my friend came my house. She used to be my neighbour, but now she had moved house. She was kind of wierd~ Brought Tarrot cards and said she wanted to fortune-tell me and my future... -.-" I just sat there and listened though it wasn't really entertaining at all.
After that i had a quick dinner and then played tennis with Marky. Woh, its like the 1st time i saw him in sports wear. so Kawaaiiiiiii! LoL.. Then went to had ice-cream together =) yummy! Nice day i had.. The only thing is that i lost my fav pairs of ear-rings! =(
Thursday, May 20, 2004 10:47 PM
A stroll
Talked some things out
BuBBle Tea
Simple yet memorable
The End

I love kids. Everything about them. They are simply real and pure. They do exactly what their heart tells them to do. And its attracting because heart doesn't tells lies.
Wednesday, May 19, 2004 11:57 PM
Today was a special day. I truely confided to a friend and told her how much i love her and thanked her for always being there for me. Shes a truthful friend which God sent to me. Staying up at late nights hearing all my complaints. Giving me everlasting advices like a mum to me. Helping me up whenever i fell down. Giving me support whenever i needed it.
And thanks my love for humbling down to forgive me. I appreciated it alot. Like you said, hopefully, tomorrow will always be a better day. And im sorry for everything i had done to hurt you. I truely didn't mean it.
Loneliness describes me..
Monday, May 17, 2004 10:11 PM
Met Yihui at 7:30pm to go to Bukit Batok driving centre to settle the course thingy. We were so stupid.. Didnt know that bus 945 could go there with just 3 stops and yet we wasted $ on a cab. Well but who cares its only $4.. Not that bad after all. Saw many wierd people in the driving centre.. kind of freaked us out~
Then we went to Lot 1 for dinner and coffee bean. I kinda missed her. Shes so busy working now that i could hardly see her. And everytime i saw her, it reminds me of the past memories we had. How we used to share so much joy, laughter and tears. We went home as it was soon gettin late. I wasn't happy at all still. my mood was still down. Whenever im alone in the bus, or walking back home, i'll think of the sad stuffs. Its clearly in my mind and i tried hard to erase it buT it wasn't easy. It wasn't easy.. =(
I dont think i could sleep well tonight. There are too much mixed feelings in me. aLL i asked for now, is God, may you be with me. I've let u down time and again. Forgive me for im a great sinner.
Sunday, May 16, 2004 10:04 AM
Just Woke Up froM my LaLaLand =D Already 9 plus. Nothing much to do so i decided to update my BLog.. hMM.. SLept well Ytd... MAyb thats beCausE i had already cleared certain "talks" With Marky. My temper sux =( But everything is alrightz now honey. U're still my honey darling! Love ya =)
Saturday, May 15, 2004 7:35 PM
Jasmine came to my house around Noon. Had lunch together and watched some Vcds & played some games. Told her i was going for movie so she may had to leave earlier. But in the end everything was bloody screwed up. I dun feel like mentioning it. So i asked her to stay longer with me. Chatted In & ouT with her over everything. Shes sweet, always there for me. EVen brought me 3 undies when she came my house today.. well thanks. If u're reading my blog now, Jasmine, u Must be laughing hella loud?
Then my dad gave her a lift. Went for dinner with my parents at upper thomson. Bad dinner. My dad and mum was unhappy. I had no idea with what. I decided not to care much. I don't even have the mood to know wads happening between them. Morever, it must be some adults stuff.. When we reached home, my brother was scolded badly by my mum for his handphone's bill. I think my turn wld come soon on the 19th.. i Hope mine is quite low but chances are not. My mum was in such a bad mood so she started to pick up on me and find faults with me. sighz. What a day?
Friday, May 14, 2004 11:49 PM
Well, Went to Orchard wiTh Jasmine Just now to shOp and have Sushis for Dinner =) Its been quite long since I last saw her.. she had slimmed down already =) more pretty! Bought a Pair of Clipped ear rings =) Then we Went to a Cafe tiLL 9 plus... hmm... she updated me with her interesting life and stuffs.. Hee.. Then Marky came and meet me To walk me home. Sooooooooo Cute........... i Get to See the ACTING ELMO smiley face! la la la~ happy day =)
Thursday, May 13, 2004 12:53 AM
WenT to Watch TROY just now at 7:40pm. Reached there like 7:30 and the WestMaLL CiNema was Flooded and packed! Rare sight.. Mark was already Queueing For The Tix... By The Time We Got the Tix it was already like 7:45! And SHARKS, guess wad? They only left the Front row seats!!! WHICH means ROW A!! Grr.. But still we decided to watch it.. Its my 1st time sitting in row A watching a show -.-".. man.. my neck was so strained.. HeHe but i didn't regretted it.. i think it was a very nice movie!! I Love Eric Bana in that show man. Hes so Brave! and guess what, Orlando bloom was like A chicken in that show~ lol... and Brad Pitt acted as HERCULES.. =)The show was quite long.. around 2Hours and 30 mins.. After the show we went home =) Our Life is like so OCCUpieD! RUsh And Rush and Rush! LoL~
Wednesday, May 12, 2004 12:52 AM
-Yawnz- im slackign like a Pig :x But at least i did sumthing special today. Mark and I were On coLd terms so i decided to Cook him Dinner and pass it to him. Nothing complex cause i Dunoe how to cook =/ So i cooked Some vegetables, potato cutlets and omelette for Him. He finished all. Man, i wonder iF he Forced HimseLf to eat ALL =/ Wee, then i took a cab home. Phew. Lucky i was home before 10:30 =)
Friday, May 07, 2004 5:32 PM
Oh Man.. Today was my last paper. Im finally a free Bird!! Exams are over~ WooHoo!! so happY! -Jumps iN JoY- ALL My papers are like so damn hard that i dun even dare to tHink About the ResuLts. Hope i cLear aLL man. if NOt, haLf of my holidays are gone =( Holidays Holidays~ Wee~ Here I COme!! =D