Monday, November 29, 2004 10:30 PM
I had an amazing day today =D Went to watch Incredibles. Its soooooooooooooo nice! So hilarious. Hehe I like Mrs incredible! So cute =) Im really tired. Plus my left eye is irritating... >=( Sighz... Friday's leave only granted for half day >_<
Gotto meet Jasmine tml and go Jurong point after work.. Wanna get sum stuffs and have dinner with her. Anyways, I had a really wonderful day today. Thanks! :D
Love this song.... Dont really know what to write these few days. Had totally lost the interest and motivation to do so... Takecare frens.
Saturday, November 27, 2004 10:05 AM
Finally. Saturday had arrived! Parents and bro are going out to get some clothes and stuffs. I didnt tag along. Cause I really need this day to RELAX and REST. =/ Working life sucks. Sighz. I really cant wait for it to be over.. Tomorrow gonna spend almost half my day at BBDC =/ School is gonna reopen! Wee! =D
Thursday, November 25, 2004 6:58 PM
These few days darn tired. Really look like panda! Today was a busy day at work. Keptchecking pH and viscosity of different samples non-stop. Lifong and my legs gonna break already!!! Time passes by very fast. Days by days. And school gonna start soon right after attachment. Super sucky. Saturday and Sunday gonna spend wisely. Cousin's wedding on next Friday. Wanna on leave but not sure if approved. Hopefully its granted.
Wanna watch The Incredibles! Heard from everyone saying that its really nice. Got back my semester results yesterday. For the 1st time, I must say I am rather satisfied with it. Was rather surprised. Got mostly B+s, Bs and C+s. Yay! 1st time never get D =/. But I think I'm still able to get better results. Really should start to work hard when sch reopens! Always say this, but no actions. Lol...
Okie, gotto bath and relax myself and slp early! tomorrow busy day again ZzzZzz... Ciao!
Tuesday, November 23, 2004 10:10 PM
Feeling so tired and worn out! As usual, woke up 6plus am. went to work. Today damn busy. Alot of new batches n samples for lab analysis. Poor frien of mine even need to work overtime. Me and Joyce was quite fortunate. Dont need to work OT. >_<
After that took company bus n rush to meet Yihui. Went to driving centre together to hav my evaluation n then practical till 9 plus pm. Now driving is at stage 3 le. Back to circuit learning the parallel and vertical parking and the crank courses. Today learn reversing technique. Skills not v good =/ Cant wait to get my liscence!
For the whole day damn hungry. No time to eat dinner. Time all so packed n rushy. Im like a mad woman! Now finally reached home. Just bathed and having Macdonalds now :) My dinner! =) hehe..
SAd manz. So tired. Then when I think about waking up at 6plus am tomorrow again feel so shitified! No life! :(
Monday, November 22, 2004 6:37 AM
A new day, a new beginning, i wished to put everything behind me.
Sunday, November 21, 2004 10:45 PM
Finally lost everything.... but its ok.. cant be bothered anymore!

For couples! Pigsysssssss.. Oink Oink!


SCREAMS!~!!!!!!~!!!! SO CUTE!!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG!
Shame On YOU!
Writing this post, I may hurt some people's feelings. But I totally meant no harm and I'm just honestly expressing the way I think or feel.
Firstly, what do you think of people who have no guts to write their name on the tag board and yet comment bad remarks? I'm not pin-pointing any particular of you. But what I'm trying to say is that there are people who are so free who do these kind of stuffs to hurt you. If you dare to do it, dare to admit it. If not, maybe you can find more entertaining stuffs to entertain yourself?
Next, are the ones whom you don't really know at all but you know about his or her existence. For example I don't know (A) AT ALL. But I do know about her/his existence. Give me a break. I don't even know her, what makes her able to talk like she knows me so well? In and out? Hahaha. Total Bullshit! If you think I'm trying to be sacarstic, I'm just stating the facts.
Thirdly, I seemed to be being blamed for the cause of someone's break up. Do you know how it feels when you did nothing and people shut you up with nasty remarks and accusation? I will make it clear. I ain't a 3rd party or anything. 1stly, because I have no feelings for the party at all. Next, the party is like a very gd friend of mine and nothing crosses the border. So before you shoot at me, take note of this. And before you start linking me to everything everytime, why not reflect and see what is it that you had done wrong or how to revive your r/s back?
Next, if you have no confidence in yourself, do not stoop so low to use despicible acts which will harm people around you. Do not make up lies that never exists. I dont care at all if you backfires yourself. But stop being so selfish and inconsiderate to hurt people you dont know at all and worst of all, hurt the person you love most. I do know the lies you had all made up in the past. The truth is all out now and thus, I would like to say no more.
Lastly, its the annoying immature childish attitude of people. Come on , you're about 17 to 20 years old. So please do things which proves your age instead of otherwise. Everynow and then, I got calls from a STRANGER, (I called that person stranger coz I don't know him/her at all) asking me or telling me about her boyfriend's whereabout! Hello!?!? Am I supposed to know every movement of your stead? Or am I his bodyguard? I promised, YES I PROMISED, the next time I ever recieve that person's calls or messages ever again, I'll REJECT it right away.
The dumbest thing is being called and questioned about someone's boyfriend! And your blog gets read by someone you don't know at all. And that person read it just to check on you! AMAZING? I think so =) At least I didnt know I got a BLOG FANATIC.
I already said. A blog is a place where I can freely write about my thoughts and views and feelings. No one should interfere. If I were to write sad comments, I like it. Who the hell are you to tell me what to do? Afterall this is my BLOG. If you don't like it, you can choose not to read it! Okie, this is such a long post. I gotto end here. And I got a feeling that someone will start making comments again =)
I do not gif a damn cause this is what I really feel.
Saturday, November 20, 2004 7:44 PM
Results will be out soon... dangz.
I had a bad dream. One that had never happened for quite some time. The one which I hated most and fear most. The one which I never ever want it to appear in my dreamland ever again. Especially when I woke up, I felt true pain in my heart once again. I could feel my heart bleeding and my vision starts to get blurred by the tears on the brim of my eyes. I really hate this feeling. I DETEST it.
I need to pray. Pray that I'll never see his face ever again in my dreams. Cause everytime when it happens so, I felt so much pain after I woke up. I freaking hate this feeling. Its been quite some time since I tried to forget everything. Its been quite some time since everything. He had moved on. I had moved on. The world wouldn't stop for us. Time won't stop for us. Life still goes on. And thanks to him, for leaving such a deep scar in my heart that can never seemed to be erased.
I hate myself. I hate the past. I hate my weakness. I am sick of myself. I hate this world. I hate my life.
I didn't know... I didn't know a dream could make me feel those feelings I felt exactly months ago all over again. I didnt know.... I didn't know the thing that I ever feared most is Dreams. And of course I didn't know... Loving someone wholeheartedly could ever hurt so much. Goodbye to any relationships for now. I'm NUMBED.
Friday, November 19, 2004 11:49 PM
Extreme tired ZZzzzzzZZZZzzzzzzzZzZz~
Wednesday, November 17, 2004 9:34 PM
Simple Plan - Welcome To My Life
Do you ever feel like breaking down?
Do you ever feel out of place?
Like somehow you just don't belong
And no one understands you
Do you ever wanna run away?
Do you lock yourself in your room?
With the radio on turned up so loud
That no one hears you screaming
No you don't know what it's like
When nothing feels alright
You don't know what it's like to be like me
To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked When you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
When no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life
Do you wanna be somebody else?
Are you sick of feeling so left out?
Are you desperate to find something more
Before your life is over
Are you stuck inside a world you hate?
Are you sick of everyone around?
With the big fake smiles and stupid lies
But deep inside you're bleeding
No you don't know what it's like
When nothing feels alright
You don't know what it's like to be like me
Welcome to my life
Welcome to my life
Welcome to my life!
Monday, November 15, 2004 10:17 PM
I had a wonderful and well spent weekend. On Saturday, went to town for shopping with mummy to get a gown for my cousin's wedding. Buying this kind of stuffs really cost quite a lot. Hehe but its been such a long time since I went shopping with mum. And the good thing is : I dont have to pay a single cent! -Grinz- But thats only once in a blue moon =p
On Sunday, I practically rest and slacked at home watching my favourite shows =] And today, went to pasir ris to have fun~ Its really fun. Playing the Theme Park and roller blading. Frankly speaking, the theme park was rather limited with rides. Roller blading was really rare and fun. Totally enjoyed myself =D But played the whole day and the time travelling there was traumatising =/
But right now, I need to turn in early. Felt so tired physically. Work starts tommorow again. Have to wake up so early... =~(
Friday, November 12, 2004 11:51 PM
Attachment life seems to be so tiring. ZzZz... Had a wonderful dinner today.. Swensens =) .. Hmm.. Nx Monday is public holiday.. Don't need to work.. So Fortunate! >_< .. Happy for Jasmine.. Cleared all her subjects .. hehe.. No worries yea.. Oh yea.. And hope Shihui is alright.. Can always work harder :-) I'm sure u can make it.. Hehe.. Hmm thats all for now.. Nothing much.. Below are just some pictures of my fav celebreties ^_^

I luv Jennifer Aniston~ So Cute.. And AWWWW This picture is FREAKING sweet manz. They are just so compatible =)

Not Forgetting My fav prince charming : Brad Pitt

Super pretty babe. Angelina Jolie! My Fav =D
Thursday, November 11, 2004 11:08 AM
Why do some people lie without blinking their eyes? Why do they say things when they don't mean it? Why must they make empty promises? Freaking world. I'm really awfully sick n tired of it. I just wana break away from all these. I wished I could go overseas all alone just to be MYSELF.
Wednesday, November 10, 2004 6:27 PM
Juz came back from work.. Yes! tomorrow no need to work! Its public holiday.. Woohooz... Can finally rest at home and watch my shows =D
Omg... so tired.. haiz...
Tuesday, November 09, 2004 6:56 PM
2nd day of attachment... Tired!! I quite like my attachment company. Its really nice. The collegues are great and the boss is great!!! The boss is a Norweigen and he is very easy-going. Its so systematic there whereby everyone reports to work on 8:30am and knock off together at 5:30pm. We had a total of 3 breaks including one lunch break. The good thing is that the company is really big and it provides 6 shuttle buses to places all over Singapore. Fortunately, I do not need to wake up that early as theres shuttle bus to Bukit Batok. Time seems to past by very fast while we were working. 8:30am and in a blink of eye its 5:30pm! Yesterday, time past by slower as every staff member was busy with meetings and we just read the whole pile of notes on what we are doing.
The only thing I didnt like there was the food.. lol... Hmm.. I was attached to the research and development department and industrial resin site. Its really cool and fun. The whole day, we were at lab doing analysis and lab work, trying out the various lab analysis, finding for the best solvent, doing titration, viscosity, gel time, gas chromatography and etc etc. I had 2 of my friends attached to the same company as me and 3 of us are just rooms of labs beside each other. Well, afterall industrial training programme wasn't as bad as I thought. And Thank God I don't have to work on Saturdays =D
I hope to gain more experience and find a passion towards what Im learning right now from the experienced chemists.
Friday, November 05, 2004 11:19 PM
*Yawnz* So tired. Just reached home. And I smell of SMoke! The BBq smell~ Coz we went to had Seoul Garden. We were all freaking full. hehe... But there was a kinda small incident during dinner time. There was this BITCH. Yes, I mean it. Real bitch, around 15 yrs old, showing us her bloody attitude and questioning us just because we managed to get a table be4 her group in a long que. She even blocked our way. Pissed, we just walked past her. We managed to get the table 1st though we were not in the que becoz Ziying and I talked to the manager beforehand. And after our dinner, we saw them again. And this time the Bitch was starring at me and as she bypasses me, she DELIBERATELY knocked my shoulders right hard. Whats the freaking problems with youngsters nowadays? Its such a shame and pity where their manners had gone.
Anywayz, I enjoyed myself today other than this unhappy incideNt. =] Gd nite ppl~

Takashimaya >_< Shihui, Ziying and Meifang~

Christmas Tree!!

Too bored at home waiting till 4pm to go out wif pals.>_<
Thursday, November 04, 2004 6:12 PM
Wow wee wow. Exams finally over. But Sighz, dun wana talk about that last paper. Makes my heart aches! =( Hurray, now I can continue with my driving. Went to trim my hair and highlight it today. After that Jasmine came my house and we had a feast. =p And then we went to Orchard as I wanted to get some clothes for attachment and a bag =) So happy! But holidays r so Short!

See that guy on my com screen? He's my husband =) Just married =)

Jas And I. Highlighted my Hair 2day =/
Tuesday, November 02, 2004 8:03 PM
4 Papers down. 1 more to go..... Can HARDLY wait. Lolz... Had been studying like crazy woman these few days. But its very last minute work. Just hope that I can get through all these... Oh yes. 20 more hours and I'm a FREE BIRD. Muhahaha, now u see how much I hate exams? =p