Saturday, February 26, 2005 9:52 PM
Finallyz ~I finally got my new handphone. K700i... It was actually $518 at retail price without line... After selling off my old phone and using dad's M1 perks point... I got the phone at a price of 290... So happy =) Finally no need bring remote control to school le... =D
"Boulevard of Broken Dreams"I walk a lonely roadThe only one that I have ever knownDon't know where it goesBut it's home to me and I walk aloneI walk this empty streetOn the Boulevard of Broken DreamsWhere the city sleepsand I'm the only one and I walk alone I walk aloneI walk aloneI walk aloneI walk a...My shadow's the only one that walks beside meMy shallow heart's the only thing that's beatingSometimes I wish someone out there will find me'Til then I walk aloneAh-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah,Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ahI'm walking down the lineThat divides me somewhere in my mindOn the border lineOf the edge and where I walk aloneRead between the linesWhat's fucked up and everything's alrightCheck my vital signsTo know I'm still alive and I walk alone I walk aloneI walk aloneI walk aloneI walk a...My shadow's the only one that walks beside meMy shallow heart's the only thing that's beatingSometimes I wish someone out there will find me'Til then I walk aloneAh-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ahAh-ah, Ah-ahI walk aloneI walk a...I walk this empty streetOn the Boulevard of Broken DreamsWhere the city sleepsAnd I'm the only one and I walk a...My shadow's the only one that walks beside meMy shallow heart's the only thing that's beatingSometimes I wish someone out there will find me'Til then I walk alone...
Thursday, February 24, 2005 9:39 PM
LifeeeeWent Kbox with Angela, Grace and Lifong today. Grace was so crazy and HIGH -.-" Funny moment it was... Nothing much, after that Angela came my house and we worked on our major presentation... I'm afraid we cant finish in time .. Dont even know if we are out of point too..Watched the American Idol yesterday. I quite like the show.. Rather entertaining and showing the talents of diff human beings. Yupz.. and I wanna gain weight ... grow fatter...
Wednesday, February 23, 2005 11:41 PM
These people honors Me with their lips,But their heart is far from Me.-Mark 7:6I am one who is described as above. Why am I so far away from Him...
Hmm?Nothing much. Sch is boring.... Friends make it more lifely... Cant get the M1 100 bucks voucher =( Headache!!! Wanna buy a without line phone.. but it cost a bomb... I need a job!!! arghz~
Tuesday, February 22, 2005 10:19 PM
I can't stop smiling.Im feeling extremely happy. Its the best surprise I ever got. I wished time stopped at this moment. I will cherish it forever. I just wanna say 'thank you'. =)
Monday, February 21, 2005 11:27 PM
Sucks!!Hmm.. went school todayz... Haiz... dont really know how to do the test... =[ After that went to catch a korean show ' A Moment to Remeber ' with Angela. Its really a funny, touching and tears-jerking show. Its nice but really sad.... My hp totally can't charged. Now Im using a temporary Samsung phone which my frens made fun of me and said its a REMOTE CONTROL =`( Dont know what to do now. Cant even trade in the phone coz its spoilt. Problematic! ARGHZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, February 20, 2005 12:46 PM
...........Yesterday we went to Dragonboat Restuarant and had our yearly "Lao Yu Sheng". Its a tradition in my family that we do go to a restaurant every once a year for that. The food were average... but the restaurant was totally occupied. We finished our dinner at about 10pm and proceeded for ktv till 2am. Hehe, aunt got the VIP room and it was really big... the kids sure did enjoyed themselves... Feeling so sianed now. Doing a formal report and there is a test tomorrow. Really hate tat module! And freaking pissed with my mobile phone. Something wrong with it. Can't use it now. (#&*$(*@#

Chaos at the big room

Me wif my 5th aunt at Ktv.

Kid's laughters are heaven.

My parents and brother~

Once a year.. its the Lao Yu sheng~ nian Nian got fish hehehehe !

Brother with Grandma =)
Friday, February 18, 2005 9:50 PM
My Day~Met Snoopy today. Wanted to watch movie but ended up shopping. There ain't any nice movies right now! Plus Im afraid to watch scary and horror shows. This means that Constantine and Hide n Seek are out. YEa.... people who are reading this post.. laugh ur ass off for all you want!! But I reallly dare not watch horror shows. LoL ... Bought a Creative speaker. Really good... love it =)
SlackerzIve been slacking too much this semester. Didnt go to sch for some tutorials and lectures. And somehow in the middle, will sneaked off with my classmates for ktv. lol. Didn't do very well for all my tests. But im not shocked at all. I didn't study hard enough myself. =( Its about 7 weeks to final semestral exam! *Arghz*
Thursday, February 17, 2005 9:15 AM
Time to bury everything and move on.I don't know what to say. I don't know how to say. But this time, I really want to walk out of the whole thing. I don't want to be a pathetic weakling anymore. I know myself. I've been weak for too long. Its really time to just slap myself real hard and pull myself through. Its time to stop crying for that person. Stop thinking of that person. Its time to get on with my own life and rebuild on the things which I had missed out in life. Its time to pay more attention to the people around me who cared for me when I was at my lowest times. Its time to play hard and focus. Its time to stop letting my loved ones worry for me. And its time that I REALLY DO WHAT I SAY.I will walk out of this slowly. At least I know this is what God had planned for me. Maybe, He wants me to go through this to prepare for something bigger in life. Maybe God just made 'him' a Messenger in my life. Maybe God had planned better things ahead of me. Maybe He wants to make me a stronger person.I don't know. But I just know that he once brought me special and heart felt memories which could never be erased. And now its time to bury everything in this little corner of my heart. Its time that i will totally let go. I trust in God's plans for me. For He is the only one who can make me stand up all over again when I fell so badly.
Monday, February 14, 2005 11:00 PM
Valentines DayWent to Kbox with Angela, Grace and Alvin today.Skipped many lectures.Sang like crazy.Went to town.Got a new wallet.Angela bought a fossil watch for her guy.Town was flooded with couples.Happy Valentines to all couples.Cherish the ones u love be4 its too late.
Sunday, February 13, 2005 9:22 PM

Toyota Celica. Freaking nice $(^@#$@#!

one! two! three! four! CUTE BABIES!!!

Can you find my mum's head? BAHAHAHAHA! This is so fantasy!

My parents. I Specially love this pic. Nothing could be more loving than this.
Saturday, February 12, 2005 10:14 PM
Oh No!Oh Man, so fast and im gonna say goodbye to my 1 week holidays. *Sighz* Monday gtg sch again! Hmm this New year had been tiring for me. 1st day went visiting from morning till night. 2nd day had to stay at home as many relatives visited our house. 3rd day I went out with Jiajun for lunch and after that came to my house and played playstation2. And today, went Orchard wif parents and after that went to catch a movie with a friend at Westmall. Watched I Do today. Not too bad. Very corny but lame. Argh, Im dead meat. Formal report due on Monday And I just remembered about it >_< DARNZ!
New Skin~Hmm.. new skin =) Feel free to give any comments.
Thursday, February 10, 2005 5:10 PM

We had this 4 lunch just now. I ONLY GET TO EAT MY MUM's COOKING ONCE a YEAR. yupz, no joke. ONCE A YEAR -.-"

Mum is busy preparing the cuttlefish. hehe damn! I think she looks freakin cute here. *PINCHES*

Grandpa & Grandma. hehe I love damn loadz.

Mum LOVES flowers. Look what she has got for our house this yr! >_<

My 5th aunt with my uncle. my uncle is a Japanese and oh NO! hes drunk!~!

Yummy! All the new yr Goodies in my house! Im gonna be FAT~

Taken today. My grandparents and all my aunts.

My aunties! Look so flowery~ =/

I'm so blessed to be in this family. I Love all of you! Thank God for that.

Taken yesterday. Every once a year, its the Lunar CNY again! =] Dad n Mum lookin so loving as ever~

Brother in Tekong with dad. But he is out now and posted to the Navy.
The Long GoodBye - Ronan Keating
I know they say if you love somebody
You should set them free
But it sure is hard to do
Yeah, it sure is hard to do
And i know they say
if they don't come back again
Then it's meant to be
But those words don't pull me through
Cos i'm still in love with you
I spend each day here
waiting for a miracle
But it's just you and me going through the mill
(climbin' up a hill)
This is the long goodbye
Somebody tell me why?
Two lovers in love can't make it
Just what kind of love keeps breaking a heart?
No matter how hard we try
You're gonna make me cry
Come on, baby, it's over..
let's face it
All that's happening here
is a long goodbye
Sometimes i ask my heart did we really
Give our love a chance
And i know without a doubt
It's turning me inside out
And if we walked away
Would it make more sense
But it tears me up inside
Just to think we still could try
How long must we
keep riding on a carousel?
Going round and round
and never getting anywhere?
This is the long goodbye
Somebody tell me why
Two lovers in love can't make it
Just what kind of love keeps breaking a heart?
No matter how hard we try
You're gonna make me cry
Come on, baby, it's over..
let's face it
All that's happening here is
the long...long goodbye
Are you ever coming back again
Are you ever coming back again
Are you ever coming back again
Coz I'm never comin back again
Tuesday, February 08, 2005 5:34 PM
Feelin Good
Had my driving final evaluation this morning. It was fine. Finally I could book my test date. Its on the 17th of March~ =/ Hmm, yesterday's friendly match. I think I did quite badly. My strokes are real bad. Maybe its because I only had a sleep of 2 hours at the chalet. Hehe, it was real fun playing the arcade with Val and Guangqiu. Been so long since we bang the arcade! Feel like a kid again manz >_<
We reached the chalet ytd at about 12 plus midnight and Jenn wei bbqed for us food. The PRAWNS sux man. It tastes so raw~ *Ewww* Then all of us played "truth or dare" and "lose and drink" game throughout the whole night. It was fun n hilarious! And I was quite shocked by the way Daniel drinks. He drank about 8 cans of beers and he obviously had a bad hangover~
After that, Angela, Lifong and I went to a room and we pratically slept for 2 hours. though 3 of us were squeezing into 1 Queen size bed, all of us were soundly asleep and happily in our own dreamland =) Its a nice weekend.
Totally enjoyed myself with all my friends. Hmm, going to update some pics in my blog now. Enjoy viewing =) Okiez, going for renuion dinner. *hurrays*

Where is the other eye?!? This is Art ^_-

At the class chalet at some ULU Changi place

Damn! My hand looks so flexible. Look at Angela's head >_<

Goodness! Dad look like some gangster or Mafia here! *ahhhhh*!