Saturday, April 30, 2005 11:56 PM
Avril LavigneI'm Standing on a bridge I'm waitin in the dark I thought that you'd be here by now Theres nothing but the rain No footsteps on the ground I'm listening but theres no sound
Isn't anyone tryin to find me? Won't somebody come take me home It's a damn cold night Trying to figure out this life Wont you take me by the hand take me somewhere new I dont know who you are but I... I'm with you
im looking for a placesearching for a face is anybody here i know cause nothings going right and everythings a mess and no one likes to be alone
Isn't anyone tryin to find me? Won't somebody come take me home It's a damn cold night Trying to figure out this life Wont you take me by the hand take me somewhere new I dont know who you are but I... I'm with youoh why is everything so confusing maybe I'm just out of my mind yea yea yea
It's a damn cold night Trying to figure out this life Wont you take me by the hand take me somewhere new I dont know who you are but I... I'm with you
Take me by the hand take me somewhere new I dont know who you are but I... I'm with youI'm with you
I dont know who you are but I... I'm with youI'm with youI'm with you...
Thursday, April 28, 2005 9:06 PM
California... California.. Here we come!~! oh..... The O.CLets see.. Just updated my blog to The O.C theme song.. its so nice.. woo! And I love that show to bits! Especially with hunky actors and pretty babes like Benjamin Mckazie and Mischa Barton! Spent alot of time d/ling the episodes.. but its nice and Ive almost finished the whole of season 2. So lookin foward to Season 3... Fortunately theres d/l avalible mans.. If I were to wait for Spore to show, I'll probably died of impatience.. heh!
Anyway mum left for Taiwan for a holiday. So that means Im home alone wif Dad.. And Im lovin it =) Been such a long time since I catch up and spent time wif him.. Wanna date him on Sat! Yups and Wanna congrats my miss snoopy.. heh I guess you know what Im saying.. Most of all, you must be happy and xingfu yea? Coz nothing beats being happy in this world!PS: There are Some pics below~ keke

Introducing.. The O.C...

Soooo cute! Benjamin Mckazie wif a killer smile !

Charming.... VERY sexay..........

You smile like this when ure in love =)


When Boy meets girl...

Ryan and Marissaaa

Forever in love.

Aww... so sweet...

Orange County

Miss Lifong, Im gonna show your supervisor, miss lee may this pic. HAHAHAHA! You gonna say i crazy again right?

Da Bitch on the bus..
Wednesday, April 27, 2005 10:03 PM
HAHA!Attachment was FANTASTIC today! WHy? Because everyone went for meeting and we're alone!!! Woohoo.. surf the net, used the messenger, played pinball, do whatever shit we want! lolz.. Anyway, after that Lifong and I went to meet Grace, James, Zhongzhi, Jwei for dinner at Causeway point. We had Pastamania.. Yummy =D~ Hehz.. and OMG they gave me my belated bday prezzie... And, it was a set of gorgeous bikini and a condom packed in a cute packaging. HAHA! Cheeeeeky fellows ... Thanks la all of you =)
Tuesday, April 26, 2005 10:17 PM
Nice movie today.. and OH NO! B!tch in my company!After work, I met Jas today for movie and dnner. Thanks for that calender thingy yeahs! Soooooooo beautiful =) We caught the movie 'Guess who'. Yeah, by my favourite star - ASHTON KUTCHER. Man this show was good. And it actually proved that interacial relationships do work. Goodness, Ashton is soooooo hunky, cute, funky, goofy and attractive! Okok, I better stop be4 you guys think im hopelesssss.. Anyway theres so many nice movies comin up. I wanna catch Alot like love by Ashton!, Kingdom of heaven, Mr & mrs smith and monster in law.. But I dont think I'll have the time mans.. Attachment is killin me.Oh yarh and I cant help but vent out sth on my blog. I cant stand this horrible VAIN lady from my company! Argh, shes getting on OUR nerves! LUCKY me, that shes not in the lab section. Shes under the accounting side.. but everyday, I will see her damn bitchy face cause she takes the same company bus as us. We really dont like her ever since the 1st attachment. Shes like my mum's age, and she always bragged about how she chiong at Zouk. For goodness sake, everyday mention which guy and so and so handsome when she already has a daughter! Another thing we cant stand is she uses a kind of perfume which is very heavy and annoying and we think she uses it like using tap water. And fortunately, we dont get to see her at night! Cause you might just faint as you thought you had ran into a ghost.Im not kidding here. Her face is freaking white. She puts so much powder that when you go up to her and blow, you'll see the powder scattered into the air. What gets on my nerves most is that she complains and grumbles nonstop when people sit at her 'usual seat' on the bus. Hello!? DId you write your name on that seat? You know whats 1st come 1st serve? And its not like she doesnt has a seat! Just few days ago, a guy sat at her usual sitting place and she yelled "Haiz, so many seats why mus choose my seat.. shit.. im so suay~" Besides that, she loves to flirt with all the uncles working at the plant. Guys, Imagine a 50 yr old woman with thick make up, Mini skirt, tank top, black NET stockings walking up to you and say Hi? And she always have so much to say about the 3 of us, her so-called 'POLY GALS'. Stupid bitch! Think ive said enough. heh, just letting it out. nights!

Converse vs Fila. And I win.. lalalala

When attachment gets boring.. we entertain ourselves! right lifong? =p

ATTACHMENTTTT please end soon.!!

yummy treat at nydc =)
Monday, April 25, 2005 8:25 PM
I'm 20. =)
Hehe. Happy Birthday me. Im 20! Hmm.. time passes by really fast. Its like a blink of an eye, and one year had past. I feel old! Arhhh 20 =/ and then soon its 30s.. 20 sounds rather adult yet I still feel that I behave like a child at times. Am i immature? I'm still so playful, wilful and mischevious! And mum said that, in her eyes, I'm always like a kid -_-"" For the past 20 years, I must say that I had learnt and experienced many things in life. Some smooth, some rough. I can't really picture myself graduating in 1 year's time. And what am I to do after that? Seriously, I dont really know. I thought of getting the advance diploma and work part time first. My parents said it would be a good idea to go overseas after the advance to pursue a degree. Sometimes, I feel very blessed. Because whatever I do, I have my parents' full support. Thank God for that.So here it is. Where I want to thank every single one of you who had once made my life so colourful. And to those who made me feel that 'Birthday' can be a really special day:Firstly, i would like to thank My saviour, Lord Jesus. Thank you Father. Thank you for everything that you had done for me. Thanks for guiding me along my path. Amen =]And, I would like to thank my parents =) For bringing me to the Japanese restaurant for dinner just now to celebrate my 20th bday. Ever since I was borned, they celebrated it with me every single year without fail. Thanks dad, thanks mum. Thanks to my brother too.. for the Cash!!! woohoo =xNext, thanks to my all-time-buddy- Miss snoppy. You know who you are =p We've known each other for abt 7 years and theres more to come by. Thanks for tolerating wif my nonsense all these while and for being my listening ear whenever I needed it so badly. THANKS for the Nydc dinner, the swensen's birthday ice-cream treat and that erotic and exotic gift -_-" Though I dont know if i will ever come to use it!!! You rock my world gal =)And, thanks to my soulmate. We've been thru alot too. All the ups and downs. You've made me realise that we cherished each other alot. And you never failed to be behind me whenever I fell so badly. NEVER. Thanks for the bag you had bought for me n dat movie tat day =].Yups.. and then its my sisters! Meowmeow, Hui jie, Ziying, and Yihui. We've been the bestest buddies in sec sch even up till now. Though we're all busy, Im glad you guys were still able to celebrate wif me that day at Huijie's house. The doggy.. the pizza hut.. everything.. thanks gals!Then.. its my poly frens and all other people who had wished me happy bday. Lifong, thanks for that Tigga! I will make sure i'll hug it tight n slp tonight. Hehe, I finally got a newcomer in my bedroom ehs =x Its v sweet of you. And Thanks to all those 22 people who nvr forgotten and sent me a sms.Lastly, I would like to thank that one person, Mark. Though I know he wouldn't be reading it, I dont know why, I just feel like writing it down. Thanks for the past and memories. You've truely been amazing and made me a stronger person in many many ways. I remembered everything exactly 365 days ago. I remembered that 19 red roses that were delivered to my house. I remembered that Great world city. I remembered that white shirt you wore. I remembered that 50 1st dates we watched. I remembered that 1 chicken burger we shared b4 taking a cab to my house. I remembered the quiet moments we had. I remembered that panasonic x70 handphone and that piece of drawing of me. Though, in the end we still parted, all I wanted to say is, 'thank you so much'. You once made my birthday so so so beautiful...
Friday, April 22, 2005 11:51 PM
Nice movies comin up and KEANE rocks my world.Yesterday was a bored day for me! Lifong and Joyce didnt went to work so I was alone.. But Thursday got loads of work and stuffs to do.. so time past by very quickly and easily... Lifong is sick, she got a 2 days MC. Im so ENVIOUS of her.. Hmm, and for Joyce, I hope she recovers fast and soon from it. No doubt it hurts alot, but time should and will heal all wounds. =) Afterall we really are still young.. sometimes its hard to let go, and everything ahead of you is so unpredictable.. So heal fast my fren! I know what it totally feels like.. Yups, today my supervisor 'pon teng'. So I was very free and slack at the lab.. lolz.. practically doing my own stuffs like reading female magazines and listening to my ipod. Do some pH and formalin check and dats it. Wee, next week gonna watch movies. Nice movies comin up yea. Guess who by the sweety hunky guy next door - Ashton Kutcher! And Mr and Mrs Smith by Brad Pitt and sexay Angelina Jolie. All are my hot favourites =] Oh yah.. wanna thank My snoopy for the dinner treat and present today. So full -_- and enjoyed myself alot. Thanks huh! Btw, KEANE's songs are really hell of good. And I mean every single piece of them, I love it! If they are ever coming to Spore for a concert, No doubtI would get the front row seats coz they just ROCKS.
Wednesday, April 20, 2005 6:59 PM
Not my daySighs.. don't know what to say... My mood is really dampened. And also, I made quite a major and stupid mistake at attachment work. Feel so useless. Like a total fool and idiot. Shit this.
Monday, April 18, 2005 8:08 PM

wahhaha Piggy wiggy! So cute siaaaaaa!

Oh man.. Hui jie's new Doggie! Sooo freaking cute at 600 bucks.. Poodle + Shitzu breed. We Had a fun time wif it!

Ziying with Shihui's new dog! woooof!

3am on da road

Dad's fav orchid.. looks so beautifulllll
Attachment yet againHmm today 1st day of 2nd round of attachment... So tiring manz.. Anyway, Joyce, Lifong and I was posted to the same company again and same department.. hehe.. not too bad.. the people there are nice =] But attachment juz so tiring.. can't ponten somemore.. and haf to wake up so early! 6 more weeks to go..... Oh yah btw Rongyao going for China itp today.. wont be joining them to sent him off coz its too late and I havent had enough slp these few days. Best regards yao! Dont bring back a China gal! Or I will puke =p
Sunday, April 17, 2005 8:51 PM
Rainbow after the rain~Finally the big rock is clear. Ive learnt some lessons and I've realised where or what I did wrong. Thanks for telling me and giving each other another chance =)
'Red light district'Just reached home and Im super tired. Got to thanks Zhongzhi for sending me home again and Grace's dad for lending her the MPV. We went to Geylang about 1 am to 3am and had the beancurd and youtiao supper. The food was delicious. But what made me wanna puke was the 'red light district'. It was an eye opener for me today. And I dont like the feeling of it. I have no idea what was going thru those women's mind. Im mentally and physically tired. I need sleep.
Regarding to my tagboard there. Im really speechless. And I really dont know what to say. I guess I don't understand many things and Im too unsensitive towards people's feeling. And seeing all these seriously hurts. Especially its from someone whom you thought is special and important to you. I guess I'm really wrong this time... Sorry.
Saturday, April 16, 2005 12:24 AM

What a fun trip we had. Its only $14 per person btw. Seafooooooooooood!
One day malaysia tripWoke up early today... 7 of us went to Johore! We took 170 there and went to City square... Wow.. the stuffs there were really cheappppppp! We had Marybrown for lunch and then caught a movie there at around 3 plus.. The movie was nice.. and it lasted for about 2 and a half hours. We shopped alot today. But it seems like its never enough! And catching a show there is only 5 bucks in Sg... However, most of us spent all the money we changed.Spent on food, clothes, Dvds, games, Vcds. Fun day we had! Really enjoyed ourselves. Time passes by real fast and soon it was about 7pm. We took cab to one large food are. Ding said the seafood there are superb and cheap so e brought us there. And there it was! The crayfish, crabs, stingray, big prawns and squids! It was hell of cheap and delicious! Everyone who walked past us was starring at our table. It either appeared to them that we are hungry ghosts or we are one grp of freaking rich young adults..Man, I wished we would go there again. But 1st, need to save up $$$ first. Ive been spending like nuts for the past few days. However, when we went back to Spore's custom, Ding got stopped~ How freaking unlucky! His name and IC was taken down coz he and angela bought too much DVDs... which was Really alot.. one whole stack.. And he bought 7 packets of cigarettes back to Spore -_-"" and each of us have to help him bring in 1 packet. But finally, the police still let them off without fineing them.. The custom was really strict. I bought quite alot of dvds too but hide all of them into 1 box of original set... We were all tired but satisfied and happy! The next time we go, we will certainly bring more cash! =)
Thursday, April 14, 2005 10:06 PM

Hurrays~ Ipod mini =D

so happy exams are finally over!

Steamboat + Teppanyaki =]