Tuesday, May 31, 2005 7:47 AM
Mahjong !Yesterday was our 1st day of school. Nothing much, just briefing and stuffs.. Its so wonderful to see my frens again.. heh.. and it happened that it was also Banana man's birthday! HAPPY BDAY to Zhongzhi mans =) As school ended damn early, 8 of us headed for pool. We got 2 tables and took turns. After we finished everything, it was only 3 plus. hell of early.. and way too early for dinner. So they, decided to drop by my house for Mahjong. Right, this is funny. My house had none of the mahjong sets thingy, so we had to 'steal' the table from 'the neighbour' who stays at level 3 and leaves her mahjong table kept at the stairways all the time. -lol-Right, and my parents are out of Spore =D -winkz-, so, I took my dad's car keys and drove Grace to her place and get the mahjong set. Its the very 1st time my frens sat on my car and the feeling is great. After which, we headed for dinner. Angela, fong and the 3 guys were squeezing behind at the back seats, feel abit sorry for them =/ But fortunately, dad's cefiro could hold them all in. After dinner, I drove back and the mahjong begins! But we only played till 1am as theres sch today at 10am.. Zhongzhi, being a very kind and gentleman all the time, sent Angela and Ryao home.. all the way from my place to Yishun and sengkang =.= and he had to drive back to his place at Jurong again.. And Grace's husband (HaHA! OOps!) came to fetch Lifong and her home.. It was a wonderful & enjoyable day. Yups, and I think my parking sucks! #)$*#@$#( Really need to do more practice =]Some pics below =)

Come on babies, show me ur skills! ben a long time since I touched Mahjong.

Noisy... Huat ah~

So sweet of Ryao to bring back for each of everyone of us with our names on it =D

This is the crazy master wong ~_~
Sunday, May 29, 2005 9:56 PM
Men See You As UnderstatedYou are an intreguing mix of girl and woman.You're feminine, quiet, and a total mystery to most men.Yet they often feel the urge to protect you, even if they don't know you.You *are* a flirt, but you usually only flirt with those you know wellHow Do Men See You? Take This Quiz :-) Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance. |  |
Baaaaaah!Sometimes, its good to spend time alone. When you're alone you tend to think on stuffs, dwell on it, reflecting on them. I've noticed that I really hate people with attitude problems. But when I looked into the mirror, I had to face the harsh reality and admit that I myself had given people attitude at times. Put aside the PMSY days, just take a few days back as e.g. when I raised my voice on a good friend. I shouldn't had done that, for losing my cool on something so small and straining a friendship. Yes, I do feel guilty and even though 's-o-r-r-y' is just a word, it takes me some courage to do so. And I think somehow after saying it, it made me feel better and much more at ease.Well, I had just hit 20 but why is it that I always appear to be a kid in my parent's eyes? They always feel that Im not 'old/mature' enough. But, how old is old? I felt very irritated each time they don't trust me or have faifth in me. And I don't really have the freedom I want. Not at home by 10:30pm and my mobilephone will get ready to be bombed. Overnight? Needless to say, they will never allow unless its the chalet kind of thingy. There are so many things I wished to do but I'm so grounded. And this is why I can't help it but do it secretly! Going to M'sia with my frens SECRETLY, stealing my passport SECRETLY, sneaking out of the hse as late as 3am for supper with my freinds SECRETLY, keeping someone in my room when they had fallen asleep SECRETLY, sneaking out of da house for midnite movie or ktv and be home by 6am SECRETLY. All of these may seems rather fun to you guys, but Im seriously sicked and tired of it! When can I stopped doing these things secretly? More ever I dont ask for much, all this only happens like once in a blue moon. Its annoying.. goodness. I wished they stop treating me like kids for once.Right, enough said. heh. sch starts tml. -signing off-
Saturday, May 28, 2005 5:14 PM

Baby Joyce, 38 Qi, Crazy CPF, Funny Fong~

Gosh, we look like 10 yrs old kids!

i think shes in love with me... HAHAHA!

With Ken and Mr Yeeeee.. eeee.eee....eee..

with miss Cpf 27/5/05

After KFC, we looked bloated!!!
I miss daddy!Hurray, attachment over! School starts on Monday.. can see my wonderful frens again =) Had been slacking around frm noon till now. So happy, Dad coming back tonight.. Will be going to airport to fetch him with Mum and have our dinner there. I miss my dad!
Friday, May 27, 2005 12:08 AM

I love this pic.. We're all smiling! Coz of that 'TING XIONG" thingy lol!

4 bitches!

baby joyce.. aww.. the most vulgar. 38, kpo, bad girl =x

2 bitches!
Thursday, May 26, 2005 11:47 PM
=DTomorrow will be the last day of our attachment. Full of mixed feelings. Feelings like missing the nice peeps there, the fun we had there, the times we chit-chatted and bitched about other people.. etc etc.. Maybe im being too emotional... even a short period of attachment could made me feel so much.. anyways, we took some pictures today. And it was really funny coz uncle Simon was practically shouting 'ting xiong' all the time and by the time he snapped, our mouths are numbed! Met whalez juz now for dinner and pool.. and went to get the presents for my supervisors.. =) Enjoyed alot today... alright.. nite peeps!
Tuesday, May 24, 2005 7:28 PM
Work was hella boring today.. was doing filtration the whole day! Time really flies.. this will be the 6th week (the last week) of attachment.. Though all of us could hardly wait for attachment to end, there certainly will be people whom we're gonna miss badly.. One example is Peifen, our collegue, who is really one hell of a funny and nice lady. Woohoo, get ready your money people! cause the Great S'pore sales is coming! Heh! just nice.. perfect timing yeahs =D Sighz, one of our wireless adapter is down. So I wounld't be using the internet that often. If my bro is using , I can't use. -whines- No internet makes Jieqi a bored gal =(

A night view by our favourite hang out - Liquids cafe =]

Ktv on Vesak day.. what a day baby!

Miss snooooopy!

Cant deny the fact that Spore's beach can't hold a candle to the Overseas!

Sentosa trip on Saturday!
Monday, May 23, 2005 7:53 AM
This is quite accurate =)The Keys to Your Heart |
You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free. |
In love, you feel the most alive when your partner is patient and never willing to give up on you. |
You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change. |
You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic. |
Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with. |
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment. |
You think of marriage as something that will confine you. You are afraid of marriage. |
In this moment, you think of love as something you don't need. You just feel like flirting around and playing right now. |
Sunday, May 22, 2005 12:45 PM
SundayHad a family dinner ytd at Clarke Quay.. Man, im gonna miss my dad. Hes going Perth for a holiday and he is soooooo happy about it coz of his favourite sport - golf. Yea, his golf clubs are probably his 2nd wife. And wonder who is the 3rd wife? That will be his golf balls!Man, my house is like super quiet. Bro went for army guard duty, dad went overseas and mum went out. Im alone wif my maid!!!!!!!!! sheez... but is ok.. Yihui will be dropping by later.. yahoo tml no need to work!!! Wee =D
Saturday, May 21, 2005 5:38 PM
Staind - Its been awhileIt’s been a whileSince I could...Hold my head up highIt’s been a whileSince I first saw youIt’s been a whileSince I could standOn my own two feet againAnd it’s been a whileSince I could call youAnd everything I can rememberAs fucked up as it all may seemConsequences that I’ve renderedHave stretched myself beyond my meansIt’s been a whileSince I could sayThat I wasn’t addictedIt’s been a whileSince I could sayI loved myself as well and...It’s been a whileSince I’ve gone and fucked things upJust like I always doIt’s been a whileBut all that shit seems to disappear when I’m with youAnd everything I can rememberAs fucked up as it all may seemConsequences that I’ve renderedGone and fucked things up again... againWhy must I feel this way?Just make this go awayJust one more peaceful dayBut then I go and fuck things up againIt’s been a whileSince I could...Look at myself straightIt’s been a whileSince I said I’m sorryIt’s been a whileSince I’ve seen the wayThe candles light your faceIt’s been a whileBut I can stillRemember just the way you tasteEverything I can rememberAs fucked up as it all may seemTo me... I know this painCan I blame this on my father? He did the best he could for meIt’s been a whileSince I could...Hold my head up highIt’s been a whileSince I said I’m sorry
Thursday, May 19, 2005 7:34 PM
Friends are wonderful..Work had been fine.. but my head is spinning! Gosh, I really hate the smell of formalin!!! Spilled the resin today and goodness, the formalin attack made my tears flow non-stop and leaving my nose so uneasy. Its hard to describe that choking feeling, but I guess its something like eating one full spoon of wasabi? baaah.. I didnt report for work yesterday as I had diarrhoea. Man, I waited sooo long at the clinic, like 2 hours? hmm, gotto thank my soulmate for accompanying me there and waiting with me.. Haha, thank God I had an entertainer, if not i'll probably died of boredom! Thanks =] Yups, and I finally get to meet my darling Yihui yesterday night for dinner.. Heh! So thoughtful of her for the yummylicious cookies *Awww* Really misses her, been such a long time since I saw her..hmm, hope baby Joyce have a speedy recovery. May God bring her through it..
Monday, May 16, 2005 9:15 PM

i missed the poly engine drawing lessons!!!! =[ bah!

apple juice.... got ppt.. lolx



The nerd pic of me - Creation of Naughty Joyce Tan.
Dum dee Dum~We got our timetable today. I think its not that bad, just that we have to go back to school on saturdays every week! =( Argh, SP already cut off our holidays and now their taking our saturdays for final year project as well.. how bad and mean could that be! hmpf.. Goodness, can't really believe that i'm in year 3 soon. Its like so darn fast! hehe, and im glad that all my cliques made it together.. I could still clearly remembered how we had so much fun mugging together, having supper till 4am together, slacking, etc etc. I miss those days!! Haa, but its ok, coz 8 more days and attachment is the end!! WOOooHOooo!Today, I saw one of the weakest side of my fren ever and it hurts me so because I could totally relate to it and it brought back to me some unwanted memories... And I'm rather helpless. I guess all I could do was to offer her tissues. I really hope she will pull herself through this tough period of time. I believe she can and time really does heal all wounds =) Most of all, we have God! =D Im trying to save up as much money as I can now so I could do a shopping spree on clothes, accessories, etc before sch reopens... HEh, takecare everyone! Ciaos..
Sunday, May 15, 2005 2:39 PM
Your Birthdate: April 25 |
Your birth on the 25th day of the month (7 energy) modifies your life path by giving you some special interest in technical, scientific, or other complex and often hard to understand subjects. You may become something of a perfectionist and a stickler for details. Your thinking is logical and intuitive, rational and responsible.
Your feelings may run deep, but you are not very likely to let them show. This birthday makes you a more private person, more introspective and perhaps more inflexible. In friendships you are very cautious and reserved. You are probably inventive, and given to unique approaches and solutions. |
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
Saturday, May 14, 2005 5:53 PM
wow9 More Days to attachment and THATS IT!!!!!!!!!!! -screams like a mad woman- Went for a haircut with Jasmine today. I think its rather short =/ hmm, nothing much recently. Just that Im still so happy over my licence thingy and that attachment is ending soon. Yups, and not to mention that the food at Liquids cafe tastes really good. Thumbs up for it. We should go there again sometime, Miss snoopy =}
Thursday, May 12, 2005 4:34 PM
I AM SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Alright.. for once I must say im F**KING happy!!! I've got my driving licence!! -Grins- Looking at my wishlist, I can now cancel it! Woohoo. I havent been so happy for such a long time. And I'm also happy for James, who past the test today this morning too! What a coincidence. Jamesy got the same tester, same test date and same test route as me~ At first, when I sat for the 2:45pm test, I was really nervous and afraid that I couldn't make it. But somehow I felt the boost of confidence in myself telling me that Im gonna do my best no matter what. And praise the Lord, I think my prayers somehow worked. The rain stopped after I prayed. *Phew* Plus I must say I past with 4 points which Im superrrrr contented with it. Oh yes oh yes. I don need to go back to BBDC ever again! And I finally can drive my dad's car =) I can't stop smiling!!
Hehe, Gonna celebrate with my frens tonight. I think I deserve a good one =)
Wednesday, May 11, 2005 10:24 PM
Whoosh~Today was an extreme busy day. Had to do a full check on the lab sample resins.. The big boss arrived so we had to help our collegue to clear the stuffs whenever we are free. Lifong and I Shred the papers... Joyce had been doing all the sai kang job recently.. like excel~ HAHA! Shoik right miss doryfish? Its good to have frens attaching to the same company. At least I dont get bored easily. We entertained each other like nobody's business. Fool around like 3 year old kids. Childish? Who cares as long as we're loving it! =)
Tuesday, May 10, 2005 6:56 PM
I can no longer hold inside. Anew. Anew. Anew. Stronger. Stronger. Stronger. Set me free. Set me free. Set me free. Thats all that I ever wanted for now..
Saturday, May 07, 2005 5:27 PM

Bought a Titus watch for my mum. Hope she likes it. Happy Mothers' Day!