Thursday, June 30, 2005 9:45 PM
B-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l DayWent to General hospital during our 2 hrs break to accompany jenn wei to visit his darling. Down with dengue, hope shes coping all right and hope my dear friend is feeling better too.After school, Lifong, Grace and I hit the Jurong complex for a swim. We wanted to tan ourselves but the sun wasnt strong enough! wrong timing, but still, we had a wonderful time. We went in at about 1:15pm and played till around 5pm. It was simply great. The lazy river, the jaccuzi, the slides, the waves, the 'so called free RA' movies, the 'so-called yandao' lifeguards, etc just made my day. I guess I deserved the fun after all the shit-happenings going on around my life recently. Its been a long time since I feel so stress-free. I definitely would love to make a trip down there again =) Oh yar and Miss Jenny, THANKS FOR STEPPING ON MY SLIPPERS AH @#$^@($&*(@$^*&@#$ =p
Clearer I am. Stronger I am. Wiser I am. Jesus, I love. Closer to Him, I want.
Monday, June 27, 2005 11:23 PM
HunksThe contractors came today and changed all 3 new sets of air-cons. The old ones were breaking down so dad decided to change all. And it cost him a bomb. Wee, anyway, the new ones are freaking cool !~! =D
Met Jasmine dear at town for dinner and Initial D. woah, I like that movie!!! How can any girls not like it when all the actors there are freaking good-looking CAN!?!?! Plus the way the cars drift! Btw, Shawn Yue looked so damn suave and manly!! I guess most people go for the show mainly because of Jay Chou but its a different case for me. Well, not to even mention that hunk with an american-born-chinese killer smile : Edison Chen. I'm not really into Jay chou. He had always been neutral to me. Give me the three guys and I'll vote for Shawn! =D~
Right, Im day-dreaming again. Anyways, I had a wonderful Monday instead of "Mondays' Blues". Night peeps =p
Saturday, June 25, 2005 1:37 PM
ExcellentDid I mention LOST was a terrific drama show? At first, I didn't thought it would appeal to me. Even the first few episodes were like average to me. But as I watched on, I got hooked on it. Its aired on channel 5 on Thursday nights if I'm not wrong. But fortunately I had a fren who downloaded all the episodes and past it to me. Friends whom know me well knew that I do not watch horror shows. Well Im not saying tat Lost is a horror drama, but there are parts of it which were really scary, nerve wrecking and gruesome. But the storyline was terrific and I followed the episodes closely.I love this show because it had got too much to offer. This show has got amazing jaw-dropping good looking babes n hunks. Most of all, its thrilling, exciting, heart-warming, mysterious, touching and most of all it emphasis on teamwork. How a group of survivors worked together to help each other and how things turned ugly when humans became desperate for survival. Here is where all the selfishness, greediness come in. Well, shoudnt say much, just 2 words for it. Thumbs up!Ive got some pics of Lost below!

LOST - Nice drama indeed.

Evangeline Lilly as Kate

The hero of the show - doctor jack

Ian Solmerhader as Boone

Josh Holloway as Sawyer

I think he is the hunkiest of all. Great body.. Great scenery.

Evangeline Lilly - ooooo~ SO so So Hot!

My fav. character - Sawyer ^_-
Thursday, June 23, 2005 9:38 PM
$$$$$Wee, I've sold the ipod shuffle but am giving the money back to mum as shes the one who paid for the upgrading plan =.= Thanks to James for the hardwarezone forum thingy.. Went to PS today and we had Cartel for lunch. The honey pork ribs there was superb! A must - try~ But the serving was really big! Can't finish it.. Then we went shopping around. Spent another 30+ bucks on just a top today from P.o.a . Goooooooodness. Time to save up and I mean it!!
Wednesday, June 22, 2005 4:10 PM
Selling IPOD SHUFFLEEeEEeEeee!Went to school just for morning practical and did abit of final year's project stuffs.. After which we accompanied the guys to Sim Lim as Jenn wei wanted to buy the parts to set up his com. Goodness, this rich guy here spent $1000+ today! Grace and I was quite interested in buying the external hard disk of 30 or 40GB as my com's space is almost full. Thanks a million to Mr Jenn wei for lending me his 30gb hardisk with all the episodes of LOST and anime cartoons inside. I dont have to download it anymore or catch it every week frm the tv =) Theres so much things I want to buy recently but Im really going broke! Hurray~ My internet is finally up again and brother had changed the plan to 1500. Cool. And we got a free gift of ipod shuffle. Yups, btw, Im selling the ipod shuffle at $120 - $130. The usual price is $160. If anyone of you have frens who are interested, pls kindly refer to me, thanks.

Found this at our polymer lab! LoL , looks like STARWARS. LMAO~


Bought a new pair of Pony's sneakerz which I really like the design of it =)
Tuesday, June 21, 2005 5:00 PM
ZzZzzZSchool is very boring today! I cant stand 2 hrs of lectures non-stop. Bored to death~ Sighs, I feel like quitting my CCA but its hard. Wonder how my coach and teammates will probably react. Grr, this is makin my head spin. I quite like this new skin of my blog but it seems rather dark and I have to use bright colour posts.. Hmms, right, gotta run to meet miss snoopy fer dinner now. Take care frens =)
Monday, June 20, 2005 9:11 AM
HApPy FaThErS' DaY~Yesterday was Fathers' Day. I had lunch with my family at a restaurant at Raffles place. The crepes there were womnderful. Very nice but expensive too. Bought dad a walllet in addition as I think is time for him to change his old one hehz.. After which I met Zack at Orchard for movie and dinner. At Tangs, I saw a new design pony sneaker which was really darn nice, and yeah, not forgetting those Brikenstocks' sandals!!! I WANA BUY THEM ~_~ Money please drop down from the sky.. -lolz-
Saturday, June 18, 2005 10:35 AM
NEW BLOGSKIN =pIts been a long time since I met miss polar bear =) We had our dinner at Holland Village's Nydc yesterday night. Everytime I go down to Holland V, I get to see stars. The lasttime I went there, I saw the hunky Christopher Lee at the Wala Wala pub and yesterday I saw Pu Fang Lin (Poh Lim I think) . Well, whatevers~ no idea how to spell her name but anyway shes a babe. yeahs. After that Jie xi came to my house and we chit-chatted about everything. From clothes to school to guys to life. As it was getting late, I drove her home. Anyway, thanks sweetie, for the cap =D Its beautiful!
I think Ive been taking things very easily and lightly. Anything major that is happening around me, I just don't seems to have the energy or strength to focus on it. Especially things that are happening again and again. Its kind of like a expected routine in my life. Thats part of the reason why this time round, I ain't doing anything much on it. Im just gonna let it past. Being happy is more important I guess. Well, friendships are so fragile. Some comes so easily and goes so easily. And wanna thanks Jasmine dear for always being by my side through all the downs. You've been an amazing wonderful friend baby! *hugs*
Hee new blogskin =p

we're acting cute
Wednesday, June 15, 2005 11:25 AM
Wasssssup?Woahs, I havent been blogging for quite some time. Watched Mr & Mrs Smith yesterday night at cineleisure. Damn, the slots were almost full. Had no choice so we took the first row. Well, the movie was not too bad. I really like Angelina Jolie. Shes really drop dead gorgeous! The Great singapore sales is still going on but I havent really bought much things. Just shoes and a few tops. Havent meet miss polar bear for such a long time! Finally get to see her on Friday! Life hasnt been treating me bad. Im quite looking foward to this weekend =/ But at the same time, also feeling very nervous and confused.
Saturday, June 11, 2005 8:35 AM
Fun we had.Thursday was a splendid day. We kind of had a 'pot luck' steamboat + bbq dinner among our clicks. Jame's family went overseas and therefore, we decided to choose his place. Havoc it was =p We enjoyed ourselves to the fullest and I guess it was our first time experience having it in the corridor. Wow, his house was amazingly clean and his room was cleaner than mine! Arf. What to do? I'm such a lazy girl who just throw my books, notes and whatever all over my studyin table =.= Lifong and I left at 10 plus while the others stayed and played mahjong till almost midnight. It was such a tiring day. The moment I went home, from walking to bathing to changing, I was half-asleep. And needless to say, school on Friday was ZZzZzzZzz............. Not enough sleep. I had a feeling that indian lecturer for EIC is gonna blow his mind off and scream like nobody's business as nobody had been going for his lessons for 2 consequtive weeks. I really had no idea how he will react when we go for his '1st' lesson this coming Friday =xP.S: Pics of the steamboat/bbq day. Grace, you can just right click and 'SAVE AS' the pics so I need not send you in Msn as my modem is on and off. =)

In cpu lab. Fun and crazy times we had.

Looks like couple! Im the butch =x

Nanny really do have big boobs.

Talented Fong on the piano -lol-

Gu nan guan nu ^_-

Cutie Grace marinating the porkchop =)

Tasting of da soup

Getting ready baby!

Yum yum, time for dinner =D~


Veryyyy full !
Wednesday, June 08, 2005 7:42 PM
Woo, Just try the internet and my modem works suddenly! On last Sunday, finally met up with my darlings for dinner. Been such a long time since we met and the feeling was just splendid. had spent quite alot recently. On jacket, tops and shoes. ~_~ And finally the topic of FYP is already settled. Theres nothing much to post about recently. Just that life had been going alright for me. =) Below are some pics of da rich nanny's fish farm. =p

Miss my sisters =)

She looks like da bear. gonna rape her =D