***WishList*** Driving Licence FossiL Watch Motorola V3i Laptop
Converse new arrival
Ipod speaker Elle Wallet Nike Jacket
Fred Perry Shoe
Slip ons Pony Sneakerz Ipod Mini
Toyota Rush (U mus be thinkin im nuts!)
Wednesday, August 31, 2005 12:00 AM
So unlucky!
Wee, finally tomorrow can rest at home. argh, today's presentation was horrible especially the Q&A part. Grace and I also anyhow hantam for the questions that we don't know. So shitty! Heck! since its over. Still have roleplay on Thurs, gosh! Today was freakin unlucky! As I was alighting bus 173, one guy behind me accidentally stepped on my sandals so HARD, then piak.. I could no longer walk, the front of it is torned! Why do I always have such encounter? The lasttime was just less than 1 month ago, with Jenn wei 'playing' with me... and now again!!!!! SHIT! I can't even walk down the bus. Have to walk with 1 feet naked. And from the bus-stop back to my condo was DAMN FAR. As I was walking back, every passerby was lookin at my damn feet -_-"" There were 2 bangala construction workers opposite my condo and when they saw me walking like that, they LAUGH and giggle. Damn man I vow I'm not racist but becoz of this I really don't like bangalahs. *grr* The night was better. Met a fren for dinner and all the anger and moodiness sort of subsided. =) Slping time!
Sunday, August 28, 2005 1:46 PM
Charlie & the Chocolate Factory
Willy wonka~ Willy wonka~ Haha that Johnny Depp so whacky. Watched Charlie and the Chocolate factory. So farni. Love that little boy called Charlie to bits! Hes soooooo adorable and cute =D Tadahhhh, whacky whacky~
Charlie - gosh, so cute CAN
Friday, August 26, 2005 1:09 AM
Yeah, I finally finished Tan yy's Formal report and case study! *Phew* Now left with the presentations and journal only heh. I can't sleep, don't know why... thats why I came to blog some rubbish 0_- And trying to sort out my ipod songs... I miss my Snooopy and my besties... =( And I wanna go overseas so badly! Yesterday when I went to town with my frens, I saw so many sports car in one day. At least 8. Saw one black Lambourgihni, one yellow ferrari, 1 Nissan fairlady, 1 toyota Celica, etc etc... I wonder why these people have so much money to buy such cars. But seriously, its like so not worth it if you buy sports car in S'pore. So many traffic lights and you can't speed at all! And usually these people are darn arrogant and snobbish. Not all but most I supposed. Anyway, don't play play, one day you guys might just caught me in a new beetle convertible. HAHA! IN MY DREAMS.... Right, below are 2 designs of Papillio which I really thought and considered of buying. Gotto save up 1st since it cost me a freaking $129 per pair! >_<
Here is a wonderful quote: "Do not grieve over the past, for it is gone. Do not worry about the future, for it has yet to come. As long as it is called today, live this day as if it was your last, and you will find each day worth living for!"
Wednesday, August 24, 2005 7:53 PM
Busy weekz
Been a some time since I update. Thats becoz I had been busy rushing all the reports and assignments! Got our exams schedule, its less than 1 month's time. Eeeks! Changed my blog song. I really love this song and its meaningful~ But I was shocked that it was sang by Sly. I didn't really like him but who cares as long as the song is nice Heh. Anyway, I wanna wish Miss Gracey a Happy 21st Birthday =) Hopefully you would like the prezzies we got for you. Must use huh... BIG and CHIO *lolz* We went to Wheel lock's Sakae today for the buffet.. Ate so much!~ Hmm.. bought some ipod accessories at the apple centre. Ipod's stuffs are damn nice but freaking costly! The slip ons at Brikenstock are nice too. I'm really broke! Spending like nuts these few weeks and there are so many August babies *_* Sians, tmr got test again -_-"" Hope I won't screw it.
Saturday, August 20, 2005 4:37 PM
Throw everything behind and smile. Ain't gonna let anymore things affect me! Met Jasmine sweetie today for breakfast and snipsnip.. Got to finish all the assignments and formal report by this week! Tomorrow going for Grace's 21st birthday party. Hope everything will be fun then =)
Thursday, August 18, 2005 6:38 PM
Journals that hurt
*Grumbles* Had to do an irritating journal for Madam Oringa. I hate writing journals or essays. I used to love it but no longer do now. We had to do 3! And everytime I write journals, I came across a rollercoaster of emotions. Each and everytime I write a journal, it would make me think back and feel alot, some that casted a smile and some that carved a scar. I guess at times I'm really too emotional and weak =/ While writing the journal, I had many flash backs.
For my first journal I wrote about the seperation of a loved one through death. And for the current one I wrote about the lost of a love one but not trough death. Whats the differences? Plenty. Both are very painful but the Seperation from a Loved one is more Painful than the Death of a Loved one. Because even though they're Alive & Around you know you can't ever Talk/See/Hear them but in an Untimely loss you know confirmedly you can never do any of the above. Love and hate is just 1 thin line. Human relationships really do make people feel tired and jaded =)
Bah.. I need a haircut =/
Tuesday, August 16, 2005 7:39 PM
Haven't been blogging these days. Nothing great about my life recently. Exams are near. Everyone is stressed out. I dare not count the work load I have on my hand. 2 formal reports left, 1 assignment, a few datasheets, 2 group presentations and the final yr project... Plus exams in 1 month's time......Argh!!! Really wanna finish them off as soon as possible. Plus theres a test tomorrow. Help is the word!!
Read a fren's blog and I think its time for her to move on. I know its never easy but she has to start doing it. If you gave your heart to someone and he/she broke it, mend it. That is all you can and should do. Its sad to know that we're living in a society and world full of lies. Even best friends can lie to you. Even sisters can just shoot you from behind. Even friends can start backstabbing another person in the same group secretly. Even friends can pretend to like you when they don't at all. Even friends can be selfish and competitive. Even friends can hide their true feelings and be so fake in front of you. Enough of my grumblings =/ I really miss sec sch days. I wished time could turn back *sighz*
Saturday, August 13, 2005 3:40 AM
Soothing day~
Feeling damn shagged now but no idea why my eyes are still wide open and I ain't really in the mood to sleep. Bready just sent me home. Million thanks =) I had an incredible enjoyable day today. School was long! Morning till 5pm. After which I rushed home, bathed and met my sweeties. Were supposed to meet at Holland V but bread has car today. We had dinner at the famous 'Wen dong ji' chicken rice stall. It was packed.. A pity Jas couldn't join us for dinner and pool as something happened to her darling =( But at least she made it for the midnight movie. After having dinner, we went to play pool. The tables were fully booked mans. Saw Dor's friends so they joined in. That guy quite pro. Even had his own cue and he bought it for $140! Gosh... I'll never spent that kind of money. But maybe hes crazy over pool larhs.. After that we headed to Causeway point for the midnight movie - Bewitched. We booked the tickets earlier in the day. Some of the parts were quite hilarious but we thought it wasn't worth a $8.50 on a Friday night~ It was alright because Nicole kidman looks absolutely stunning and gorgeous to me =p After finishing the show it was only like one plus AM so we decided to drop at holland village for some nice drinks and just chit-chat. We found this perfect place with an incredible awesome ambience. We had to take off our shoes and the place was so cozy. Full of cushions~ Its called the Essential Brews. We thought it was 24 hours but argh!! It closes at 2am. Shitified! No choice, left at 2 plus unwillingly but we'll definitely go back there again. Its a splendid place for relaxation. I guess they were all getting tired. Think Lq even more tired. Drive to quite many places and scare off 3 gals crossing the road. The girls mouth were wide open, Dor and I also stunned. Lq like going to drive to them and knock them down already, but they crazy, red man also cross the road =.= Lq driving very fast for a girl! I feel like some tortise compared to her man *lol* When sending me home got police stop check. The sporeans traffic police like to work at late nights. Often at wee hours can get to see TP cacthing people for speeding or drinking. Argh, pocket really start to have big hole already. SPend so much everyday... alrightz almost four am already, gotto catch some slp. nightz!
Pool time
Dor and Lq. Lq and her mercs =)
Bready.. very 'hiong' driver ~_~
At essential brews. Temptation Island brew with nice background.
Thursday, August 11, 2005 4:46 PM
Love is acceptance. When you love someone, you take them into your heart, and that is surely why it hurts so much when we lose someone we love, because we lose a part of ourselves.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005 10:47 PM
He worked on me.
I will remember today and this day forever in my heart. Its all about forgiveness, forgetting, and to forsee. God had let me know what its like to be gracious, to accept someone anew again, to forgive someone, to grow from our mistakes and to repent and learn from it. How God had used me today on someone was heartfelt and more than words. Today is very memorable and it casted something so important to my life. I feel alive. Its time I serve Him. I know recently my posts will be flooded with christianity but its all how I feel and see it. I guess I have the rights to state my religion opinions. I love you Jesus =)
Tuesday, August 09, 2005 10:34 PM
Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." -Hebrews 13:5
Monday, August 08, 2005 5:25 PM
I am sick. My heart had fallen asick. I felt that part of me had died.
Sunday, August 07, 2005 10:59 PM
*yawnz* Just reached home.. Was supposed to have a secondary school 2 classes combined gathering at holland v but I didn't turn up. Went out with Jas and Bread instead. Bready got car today! Wee, so we could go to far places. As usual, had dinner at Jas and my fav hangout - Liquids. After which we drove to Esplanade. Wow ~ There was having some national day performances and celebrations. Cool! The view from the roof garden down was awesome and breath taking. We had a long talk about everything~ From school to work to future to men =)Congrats to Bready, her p Plate can be gone in 5 days time! HAHA! Mine still long =.=
Hahas.. I feel so tired of everything! I haven't had enough sleep for the past few days and eyebags are coming out! I had a wonderful day today and enjoyed myself totally =)
Gods says pain is inevitable but misery is OPTIONAL.
Friday, August 05, 2005 8:09 PM
Life is unfair, but God is good. A tear-jerking true-life poetry by a teenage girl:
I went to a party Mum, I remembered what you said. You told me not to drink Mum, so I drank soda instead. I really felt proud inside Mum, the way you said I would. I didn't drink and drive Mum, though the others said I should.
I know I did the right thing Mum, I know you're always right. Now the party is finally ending Mum,as everyone is driving out of sight. As I got into my car Mum, I knew I would get home in one piece. Because of the way you raised me Mum, so responsible and sweet.
I started to drive away Mum, but as I pulled out into the road. The other car didn't see me Mum, and hit me like a load. As I laid there on the pavement Mum, I heard the policeman said. The other guy got drunk Mum, And now I am the one who will pay.
I'm lying here dying Mum, I wished you'd get here soon. How could this happen to me Mum? My life just burst like a balloon! There is blood all over me Mum, and most of it was mine. I hear the medic said Mum, that I will die in a short time. I just wanted to tell you Mum, that I swear I didn't drink. It was the others Mum, the others didn't think.
He was probably at the same party as I, the only difference is, he drank and I will die. Why do people drink Mum? It can ruin your whole life. I am feeling sharp pains now, pain just like a knife. The guy who hit me is walking Mum, and I don't think it is fair. I am lying here dying, and all he could do is stare.
Tell my brother not to cry Mum, tell Daddy to be brave. And when I go to heaven Mum, put Daddy's girl on my grave. Someone should have told him Mum, not to drink and drive. If only they had told him Mum, I would still be alive.
My breath is getting shorter Mum, I'm becoming very scared. Pls don cry for me Mum, when I needed you you was always there. I have one last question Mum, before I said goodbye. I didn't drink and drive, so why am I the one to DIE?
Life is not fair folks. It is even acknowledged in the bible. Whoever you are, wherever you come from, young and old, rich and poor, fast and slow, tall and short, men and women, boys and girls all had sinned. God is good. In view of all that is happening when you go thru all bad times in your life. When things are unfair, like the man of your life that you had loved for the last 20 yrs in marriage walks out on you. When your child that you had brought up begin to deny you, or when you feel like the closet people had betrayed you or when your business partner played you out. Despite of all the unfairness in life, God meant it for good. The way He gives it to u is good. Both the PRODUCT and PROCESS of it is perfect. And most of all everything happened for a reason.
There are ppl who say Life is unfair therefore God is unfair. When we are hit by hardest times, we blame God. But this happens because of the polluted and falling world and most of all Satan's temptations. These are facts of life and not acts of God. And why do we not Thank God when we feel happy or achieve something in life?
Even fishermen who live a simple life could just be killed by a tsunami disaster. Even those innocent hardworking people in the twins tower could be killed by some insane terrorists in a split second. Face it, nothing is fair in this world becoz life changes non stop. Nothing remains smooth forever. Don't blame God when we fell apart. Look and reflect on ourselves first before we points the fingers. I believe God loves us and had planned everything for us. For anything that happened, there is a reason. And most of all, every hardship moulds us into a stronger person each and everytime. I'm writing my point of view as a christian, no offence to any other people.
Thursday, August 04, 2005 10:13 PM
We are going to the ZOO ZOO ZOO~
Wooo~ We went to Zoo after school today. Its included in the package which we had bought earlier on for the Night Safari.. Fortunately enough, after we reached there, the rain stopped! Thank God =) The last time I went to zoo was like when I was a little kid. And now, the Spore Zoological Gardens had definitely changed alot!
PS: This post will be flooded with photos~
Firstly, we had 2 hrs break in school.. We started feeling bored and so, we took some photos~ Haha..
Smile peeps~
Three flowers =x
Haha, ran like mad after the timer was set..
Okay.. Then off we went to the zoo~ Saw some tourists and so many children!! From alot of pri school... SO CUTE!! 2 by 2 holding hands... AWwww~ First station was the White Tiger... Very nice and also Grace's fav =p
So rare
Woohoo~ Mating ^_-
Hmm.. Then, we saw Wild boars =/
3 of them tryin to be funny~
We walked n walked and soon it was time for the Asia Elephant show~ Splendid! We got the centre seats and soon all the kids came.. so crowded, lively and noisy.. heh..
I love kids! Their sooooo adorable and freaking CUTE can!?!?
Erm.. just as we were waiting for the show to get started, something so hilarious happened. The monkeys were jumping all around trying to steal the titbits the kids were munching on~ The small girls started screaming and some of the children panicked. Some wanted to throw food to them and some were OVER excited.. There was this little indian girl who didnt know that the monkey was beside her and until she turned her head, she got a shock and screamed her lungs off. I know its damn mean to laugh, but its really funny~
A snap shot of the monkey which made the kids so excited..
Elephant show
After watching the sea lions =)
After that, we went to the Kids animal land~ The smell was horrile!~! We saw the black pigs and while we were quietly observing the pigs, we heard a freaking loud noise like 'PIAK'! OMG, we turned and found out that James smacked the butt of the pig.. Super loud.. Poor pig.. Really shocked me, so funny. Thought the pig might run or something but it just stayed still =/
Black pot bellied pigs. This one got smacked real hard by Master Wong =(
After sometime, we were getting tired....
World's tallest animal - Mr Girraffe...
Theres really too many pics but I doubt I'll be putting all in. Just put the major events ones... After we came out of the zoo, we took some grp pictures~ Saw this little boy and Oh boy I think he is sooooooo cute.. So I stole a snap of him!
We headed for cck and had our dinner at a Siam restuarant... Feel so tired! Legs turning to jelly soon~
Wth are we munching on???
Monday, August 01, 2005 7:41 PM
A hole in my pocket !
Aww~ School holidays is over and its time to go back to school! =( Had been playing too hard and neglected my studies and its time to buck up and rush finish all the work. It had accumulated to one hill =/ Argh, everytime I tell myself to study hard and finish my work in time but I just can't find the motivation to do so. Guess I'm too playful, always playing~ And I'm BROKE! I need a part-time job mans. Had been spending way too much, the chalet, the night safari and zoo, the supper, the cab fares... Arrrr~ All output, no input. More ever there are lots of Augusts' babies. hmmmm, time to save up =( Yeah, and looks like the tag-board server is down *roll eyes*