***WishList*** Driving Licence FossiL Watch Motorola V3i Laptop
Converse new arrival
Ipod speaker Elle Wallet Nike Jacket
Fred Perry Shoe
Slip ons Pony Sneakerz Ipod Mini
Toyota Rush (U mus be thinkin im nuts!)
Saturday, January 28, 2006 11:36 PM
If I could be selfish and state Chinese New yr Resolutions, that would be: 1) Be brave 2) Be brave 3) Be brave 4) Be brave 5) Be brave Theres nothing I want more than to be stronger emotionally.
Went out with Snoopy and CT last night, we were supposed to go Clarke Quay and chill out but the financial planning thing took us hours. Thanks dearest Jas for the dinner at your house =p After we settled the stuffs, we went to J bar at M Hotel. Its a very nice play to chill out. Nice live band and perfect ambience.. We left at 11 plus and I walked to Tras street to find my frens. Such is my life. Ups and downs. No idea what Ive been doing actually, really.
Monday, January 23, 2006 8:28 PM
Finally, the Spinnovex, IVP and FYP is over. Workload finally getting lighter.. By the way, we got Bronze.. contented =) Am down with throat infection and cough. Didnt go school and seen a doctor today... tmr long day in sch again *sighs*
Other than that everything has been ok... Just tat I'm feeling real moody for dunnoe-what-reason. Chinese new yr coming, but this yr, the festive mood is just not there for me. Didnt even bother to buy new clothes or what so ever.. Graduating so soon yet dunoe what to do. My future seems blurred.
Sunday, January 15, 2006 7:43 PM
I am feeling so so so so tired and lethargic. Give me 1 day and I can slp the whole damn day! The past 2 days were crazy for me. Friday night I met frens at Orchard around 11pm n after that we went to Paradiz centre for ktv supper n etc. Reached home only like 6am and after that really just knocked out. Saturday went shopping with mum at Raffles.. to buy my formal wear n stuffs.. I think I walked or looked like a zombie =/ Then after that met bready for supper and a spin in her car. Really enjoyed her company, she often makes me smile =) I wasnt really feeling well and after that she sent me home. This coming 1 week is gonna be the most busy week ever. FYP ppt plus innovex plus ivp matches. I need to breathe! Can somehow sense mum is unhappy wif me for always going out so late *sighs* But its just entertainment before the horror of this coming week starts. crap, is monday tml! Thats fast, can't wait to get it over n done with!
Sunday, January 08, 2006 3:01 AM
*sighs* Im wide awake at this time.. 3am! Shouldn't had drank coffee just now, though usually it had no effect on me! Met my darlings for dinner and a drink followed by supper. I was planning to study today as Monday is my test but gosh, I haven laid a single finger on it yet, sheez~ I need a haircut.. I'll do it later today... Drove to westcoast mac and had supper, woah 2am plus n the place was packed, guess Sporeans really have no where to go n nothing much to do manz. This whole night was raining and I just hate driving when its raining, its just irritatin~ I really hope I will study tmr manz.. wheres my motivation!?! K, im just talking cock now as I cant slp.. TSK~~
Saturday, January 07, 2006 11:02 AM
Alright, I finally found the time to BLOG!! Finally handed up our final yr project formal report! One thing off my workload now. This 1 week had been real busy and hectic, but on the hand, rather enjoyable too. Chilling out with my teammates and friends. Just feel that time is always running out. Arh, 2nd round of tests coming, shitified! Mum went Thailand for business trip yet again, and Dad had been great, doing all the household chores and buying breakfast for my bro and I. What a wonderful dad I had, lol, I LOVE HIM TO BITS =)
Haven't got the time to get all the formal clothes for presentations and innovex, not even to mention chinese new yr! *sulks* Coming wed is the start of my ivp.. Hope we could at least get into the top4 again =x Yesterday I had dinner wif mr. monkey at NYDC, manz I really do find the main course a lil disappointing again. Only the mudpie was delicious.... After which we went to Tanjong Pagar.. Goodness, nothing there at all manz, all the pubs n ktvs for uncle kinds! And it was drizzling! Off we went to Chinatown and Oh no, the Ice-kachang was almost inedible. What a day, lol. But still I had fun and enjoyed myself~ =)
Alright, finally had time to post the pictures below for Xmas, sentosa trip and New yr countdown. *Note* Pictures flood below!
Snoopy and Giraffe at Sushi Tei!
Hmm~ What sushi should I eat? =p
Woah! Its Christmas and I'm bringing along 2 kids! HAHA~
Jingle bells jingle bells
We came a long way back since sec 1!
X'mas dessert, CHOCO FONDUE! Sinful!!! But i love it =)
Our friendship are like these strawberries
Fireworks at New yr eve!
A breath-taking moment
Sentosa, here we come!
Woah, bread looking so cool and cute sia
Acting rockstars =x
Kawaii neh~
We saw HUSKIES! nice ones..
Bitches beaching.... LOL
To eat is bliss =p
Monday, January 02, 2006 9:36 PM
2006 New Yr Resolutions:
1. Spent less and save more for a trip! 2. Treat my family better. 3. Control my temper and emotions. 4. Work hard for the things I want. 5. Complete tasks/goals, don't give up halfway. 6. Be stronger than before (emotionally and physically) 7. Learn to forget. 8. Take things easier. 9. Get a gd job after I graduate in March. 10. Save as much as I can coz I wanna buy a damn car though I dont know how many more years that will be! So above are my resolutions for the yr 2006. I may not be able to do them all.. but i'll keep in mind to try n at least improve on them =)
Kingkong was quite a nice but heart-wrenching show... 3 long hours.. The fire works were amazing and breath-taking. The crowd was horrid. Its a brand new yr.. But I'm not happy at all. Can someone tell me why?