Saturday, April 22, 2006 4:18 PM
woowee~ Its been some time since I blogged! Just finished my short-term temp job. Gonna start another 1 soon.. wee.. Oh yea and Im turning 21 this coming week! woohoo! I'm a certified adult already! Talking about this kinda sucky manz! This government giving away mone.. Only to those borned after 1984! *GRRRRR* How I wished I was entitled the $200! lolzHmm, I didn't make it to NTU =/ Expected~ So im kind of doing research now on whats my next step. PSB, STANSFIELD and MDIS are out for me. Simply because lecturers had mentioned before tat the degrees there are not so recgonised and anyone can just study there as long as they hav money. Hmm.. SIM might not be a bad choice since its degree is UOL or RMIT and u need to at least hav A levels or diploma to get in~ Sighz, kinda stuck. Alright, running late! Gonnaa go out. In the mean time, take care my frens. ADIOS.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006 7:24 PM
*Yawns* I'm so very tired.Every morning have to wake up like 6am!Working is tiring manz.Usually after that will meet my dearest frens up for dinner or pool.And after I reach home I'll just simply concuss.Congrats my darling snoopy for getting the full-time job :)Oh yays, and my ipod revived! woohoo*Yays~ Friday no need to work. *Beams*I need a hair cut =xOh yars... AND I WANNA SHOP! WANNA BUY SO MANY THINGS CAN!?!?If only, I strike 4D or TOTO now manz (#&*$@^Weeks seems to pass by fast when its packed wif activities :)gosh, i need to go.i need rest badly.Im having throat infection soon :(
Sunday, April 09, 2006 11:17 PM
Today is Meow's 21st Birthday~ Woohoo happy birthday Girl =) Had dinner with the girls and after that gave Miao a surprise cake. Wahaha, time flies. We got to know one another when we were about 14. And now we are all grown adults! Wee, nevertheless, should our frenship continue to go strong :)I'm feeling very vexed and moody.That is becoz my baby ipod died.Its like WTF.Look so new yet its spoilt n fragile.I FEEL LIKE CURSING N SWEARING.*huge Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhh*
Thursday, April 06, 2006 8:50 PM
I found a temp. admin part-time job. I don't really care as I'm BROKE! Life had been going on pretttty fine. Right now, I just wanna earn more cash!!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Signing off =p
Monday, April 03, 2006 2:13 PM
Warning! : Pictures flood of Malacca and KL trip~ Nuthsell of everything (:
Me and Cindy at KL restauranttt~

After our friendly match!

Friendly games

Val and xp watching the match


Me and dearest junior

Splendid scenery view frm our hotel

BEAUTIFUL church!!!!!!

Malacca's flea market. CHEAP stuffs manz

This is very CHING-CHONG(cheeena)

in da hotel room

Getting ready**

Battling time

Cheesy crappy pic

SP's basketball guys battling!

Close game indeed

Muahaha doubt u guys can spot me =p

Boring journey on the coach

Obsessed with buying our 'emily the strange stuffs'

Where is our food!?!
